[textbox text_content=”The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli, but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way. When she reached the first hills of the Italic Mountains, she had a last view back on the skyline of her hometown Bookmarks grove, the headline of Alphabet Village and the subline of her own road, the Line Lane. Pitiful a rhetorical question ran over her cheek.” content_align=”center” content_fontsize=”14″ text_content_color=”#333333″ text_animation=”fade-in-bottom” text_animation_delay=”700″]
[iconbox_rectangle title=”User Experince” content_text=”Exceptional demos and layouts to let you build anything from elegant practical shops to simple blogging websites” icon=”beaker” icon_border_color=”#fed2bd”]
[iconbox_rectangle title=”Design Craft” content_text=”By using the most recent technologies and ideas, we tried to create a rich platform, you will find anything you need” icon=”vector” icon_border_color=”#fed2bd”]
[textbox title=”Screenshots” title_color=”#ccb8a5″ title_fontsize=”60″ text_under_align=”center” subtitle=”Design and Design” subtitle_color=”#ccb8a5″ content_align=”center” content_fontsize=”14″ text_animation=”fade-in”][imagebox image_url=”13″ image_hover=”disable” image_animation=”fade-in-bottom” image_animation_delay=”300″]
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[textbox title=”In collaboration with” title_color=”#ccb8a5″ title_fontsize=”32″ text_under_align=”center” subtitle_color=”#3b3b3b” text_animation=”fade-in”]
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[textbox title=”Our Executive Team” title_color=”#ccb8a5″ title_fontsize=”40″ text_under_align=”center” subtitle_color=”#898989″ text_animation=”fade-in-bottom”]
- Concept & Story – Jane Gallingor
- Direction & Editing – Matthew Carter
- Production – Justin Gauveder
- Co-production – Austin Morgen
- Direction of photography – Alexandra Monez
- Making of – Monica Bastiani
- Lightening & Scene – Sophia Knightly
- Hair & Makeup – Rosa Potter